Tuesday 17 May 2011

The Power of Music

I heard a rendition of an old Glam Rock record on 'Glee' recently and had a new lease of life, dancing around my living room like a teenager.  I decided to have a nosey on Amazon and when it wasn't there, on the internet in general to see if could find it.

I found it, and a whole lot more.  I also dug out some CDs that I have not played in ages and have been dancing around the house full of vim and vigour.  The effect music can have on both mind and body is really quite stunning isn't it?

I also stumbled across and old record that a friend had played at a recent birthday party.  Now when I went looking for that record, I just could not find it - but found it by accident when I was looking for something else entirely!  Why does the Interent love to play tricks on us all in that way?  It's called "Never Let her Slip her away".  It struck a particular chord at the time because I was in a long distance relationship at the time and begins reference to talking on the telephone.  That song is now inextricably linked with memories of her.

The power of music to make your feet want to move, your heart to soar, or long lost memories to be as vivid as if they happened yesterday it really something quite magical, almost divine isn't it?

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